أسماء جلال بفستان جريئ يبرز انوثـ,تها

نشرت الفنانة أسماء جلال مجموعة جديدة من الصور لإطلالتها من مهرجان الجونة السينمائي الذي انتهت فعالياته منذ أيام.

وظهرت أسماء جلال بفستان بينك مكشوف الكتف وبذيل من الريش من تصميم taller marmo يبلغ سعره 2.100 يورو أي ما يعادل 71.757 جنيه، شاهده من موقع بيعه نسقته مع حذاء بينك من MACH & MACH.


 أسماء جلال
أسماء جلال


أسماء جلال


من ناحية أخرى، كشفت الفنانة أسماء جلال عن جديدها في رمضان 2024، من خلال مسلسل مع النجم هشام ماجد مكون من 15 حلقة.

قالت أسماء جلال: “أحضر لمسلسل حلو في رمضان 2024 مع منصة (شاهد VIP)، مسلسل 15 حلقة مع هشام ماجد، وأقدم كوميدي لأول مرة”، وذلك حسب تصريحاتها لبرنامج “ET بالعربي”.

وتابعت: كنت قلقانة من تقديم الكوميديا لأول مرة، عشان كل واحد عارف نفسه، وأنا عارفة إني معنديش الحتة دي، بس الحلو إن الكوميديا في المسلسل مع هشام هادية أوي، والمخرج خالد دياب عنده كوميديا المواقف أكتر وإن المواقف نفسها بتضحك، والأجواء مريحة فعارفة أكون براحتي.

Medical Insurance Program In USA

Medical insurance programs are an essential part of the healthcare system in the United States. With the high cost of healthcare, having medical insurance can help individuals and families access the medical care they need without facing significant financial burdens. Medical insurance programs in the US come in a variety of forms, from private health insurance offered by employers to government-sponsored programs for low-income individuals and families. Understanding the different types of medical insurance programs and the coverage they offer can help individuals and families make informed decisions about their healthcare needs. In this context, let’s explore more about the medical insurance programs available in the US and how they work.

The United States has a complex healthcare system that includes various types of medical insurance programs. Medical insurance, also known as health insurance, is a type of insurance that provides financial protection for medical expenses incurred by the policyholder. In the US, medical insurance can be obtained through private insurance companies, employer-sponsored plans, or government-funded programs. Due to the variety of options and coverage available, choosing a medical insurance program in the US can be a daunting task. It is important to understand the different types of medical insurance programs and their coverage options in order to make an informed decision about which program is best for you and your healthcare needs.

How to choose health care insurance properly 

here are a few things to consider when choosing a health insurance program in the USA:


When it comes to health insurance coverage, it refers to the medical services and treatments that the health insurance program will pay for. The coverage can vary significantly between different programs, and it is important to understand what is covered and what is not covered before choosing a health insurance program.

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