تسـ,ريب ڤيـ,ديو جريئة #مرام_علي

وجهت الممثلة السورية مرام علي رسالة إلى جمهورها ومتابعيها على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي وذلك على إثر مسلسل “الخائن”، الذي بدأ عرضه مطلع شهر تشرين الثاني الحالي.

وعبر حسابها الرسمي في إنستغرام، شاركت مرام مجموعة صور للشخصية التي أدتها في مسلسل “الخائن”، وأرفقتها بتعليق زعمت فيه أنها نسيت جهدها وتعبها أثناء تصوير العمل بسبب ردود الفعل الإيجابية التي تلقتها، قائلة : “كمية الحب والتعب يلي عم توصلني نستني كمية الجهد والتعب.. حبكم هو النجاح الأكبر”.
وجسدت مرام علي في “الخائن” دور “تيا” وهي فتاة عشرينية ابنة عائلة ثرية، تتمتع بشخصية قوية، وتدخل بعلاقة عاطفية مع رجل متزوج، ما أدخلها بنزاع مع زوجته ومحيطها، ومحاولاتها في فرض صحة اختيارها له.

مرام علي تثير الجدل

وكانت الممثلة السورية مرام علي قد أثارت الجدل بين رواد مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي بعد إطلالتها في مسلسل “الخائن”، حيث انتقد معظم المتابعين طبيعة دورها غير الملائم لعمرها الحقيقي، حيث تجسد شخصية فتاة عشرينية، في الوقت الذي تبلغ فيه من العمر 31 عاماً.

كما انتقد قسم من الجمهور المبالغة في عمليات التجميل الواضحة تماماً على وجهها، وأكدوا أنها كانت أكثر جاذبية في السابق.

مسلسل “الخائن”

تدور أحداث مسلسل “الخائن” المأخوذ عن الدراما التركية حول طبيبة شهيرة تدعى “أسيل” (سلافة معمار) تعيش حياة مستقرة مع زوجها “سيف” (قيس الشيخ نجيب) وابنها، قبل أن تكتشف عن طريق المصادفة خيانة زوجها لها مع فتاة شابة “تيا” (مرام علي)، لتقرر الانتقام من زوجها وعشيقته على طريقتها الخاصة، ضمن أحداث نارية.

والعمل المؤلف من 90 حلقة من بطولة “سلافة معمار، قيس شيخ نجيب، مرام علي، ريتا حرب”، وشارك فيه أيضاً كل من: “جينا أبوزيد، وسام صليبا، خالد حافظ، جلال شموط، وسام صليبا، إيلي متري، رولا بقسماتي، سهير ناصر الدين، عماد فغالي، شربل زيادة، وجيه صقر، طيف إبراهيم، إبراهيم عون”.


Payday loans are a type of short-term borrowing that is intended to cover unexpected expenses or emergencies until the borrower’s next payday. In this essay, we will explore what payday loans are, why they are called payday loans, where you can borrow money instantly, the meaning of a payday loan, the pros and cons of payday loans, where to apply for this loan, and the most famous payday loan websites in the USA.

What is a payday loan?

A payday loan is a small, short-term loan that is usually due on the borrower’s next payday. These loans are typically for small amounts, ranging from $100 to $1,000, and are often used to cover unexpected expenses such as car repairs or medical bills. Payday loans are unsecured, which means that they do not require collateral, such as a car or house, and are based solely on the borrower’s ability to repay the loan.

Why is it called a payday loan?

Payday loans are called payday loans because they are usually due on the borrower’s next payday. The borrower writes a post-dated check to the lender for the amount of the loan plus fees and interest, and the lender cashes the check on the borrower’s next payday. If the borrower cannot repay the loan on their next payday, they can roll it over for an additional fee.

Where can you borrow money instantly?

There are several options for borrowing money instantly, including payday loan lenders, online lenders, and credit unions. Payday loan lenders are the most common option for borrowing money instantly, but they often come with high fees and interest rates.

What is the meaning of a payday loan?

The meaning of a payday loan is to provide short-term financial assistance to individuals who are in need of cash quickly. These loans are intended to be used for emergency situations, and are not intended to be used as a long-term solution to financial problems.

Pros and cons of payday loans: 

Payday loans have both advantages and disadvantages that borrowers should consider before deciding to take one out. On the one hand, payday loans can be a useful tool for individuals who need immediate cash and do not have access to other types of credit. These loans are generally easy to obtain and do not require a credit check, which means that even those with poor credit scores can be approved.

Moreover, payday loans offer a level of convenience that other types of loans do not. Many payday loan lenders operate online, which means that borrowers can apply for a loan and receive the funds directly into their bank accounts within a matter of hours. This can be particularly helpful in emergency situations, such as when an unexpected medical bill or car repair expense arises.

However, payday loans also have several significant drawbacks that borrowers should be aware of. The most significant disadvantage of payday loans is their high fees and interest rates. These loans often come with annual percentage rates (APRs) of several hundred percent, which can make them very expensive to repay, especially if the loan is rolled over or extended. This can cause the borrower to fall into a debt cycle where they must continually take out new loans to pay off old ones.

Additionally, payday loans can be associated with aggressive debt collection practices. In some cases, lenders may threaten borrowers with legal action or harassment if they are unable to repay the loan on time. This can be particularly stressful for borrowers who are already struggling to make ends meet.

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