دائما ما تثـ..ـير الفنانة المصرية رانيا يوسف |لجـــ⊂ل بإطلالاتها |لجـ،،ـري.ئة أو بارآئها المختلفة ومؤخ.را” شاركت رانيا يوسف، متابعيها عبر صفحتها الشخصية بموقع “إنستجرام”، بصور لج.لسة تصـ,ـوير خضـ,ـعت
لها عـLـي البحر خلال عطلتها الصيفية.” وظهرت رانيا يوسف خلال الجلسة بفسـ,ـتان تاي.جر بفت.حة مم.تدة لأعلى الساق، واختارت الشعر الكيرلي لإطلالتها وظهرت خلال الص.ور
وهي تجلس داخل كادر مصنوع من الورود عـLـي شكل قلب، وحرصت خلال الصـ,ـور عـLـي إظ.هار قدمها وحصـ,ـدت الصـ,ـور عـLـي العديد من التعليقات التي انتقـ.ــدت ج.ــرأت.ها.”
وعلـ,ـقت رانيا يوسف عـLـي الصـ,ـور موجهة رسالة لجمهورها قائلة: “لا تدع القبـ…ـ.ـح في الآخرين يق.تـ.ـ..ـل الجمال فيك”.”
ردت الفنانة رانيا يوسف عـLـي |لانتقـ|د|ت التي واجهتها في أعق.اب تصريحاتها عن غضـ..ـبهـ| لارتداء الملابس الصيفية وبخاصة الش.ورتات والمايوه.ات وأبدت دهش.تها في مداخلة هاتفية مع أحد البرامح.. رانيا قالت: هي الناس بتـ,ـلبس إيه في الصـ,ـيف؟ جواكت وبلـ,ـوفرات.. الناس بتحب تاخد جزء من كلامي علشان التريـ,ـند Oــش أكتر .. طبيــcــى الناس في الصيف تلـ، ،ـبس شورتات مايوهات.. هنلبس ايه في الساحل وعلى البحر.”
سبق ذلك حديث تليفزيوني لرانيا يوسف تحدثت فيه عن رأيها في مشـ,ـاهد القـ,ـبلات في السـ,ـينما، وموقفها من الزواج، ولقب فـ,ـنانة إغـــ…راء، وأهمية الحرية بالنسبة لها في أسلوب تربية بنـ,ـاتها. وقالت رانيا: انـL ست مح.ترف.ة ولا Oـــ|نع لدي من تقديم لق.طة فيه قُب.ــ..ــلة أو يتطلب Oــنى ارت.داء Oــ|يــgه بكـ، ،ـيني إذا كان ذلك ما يحتاجه سياق العمل الدرامي أو السينمائي.
وأضافت: Oــش كل اللي في السيناريو يتعمل بحــ..ـذافيره لإنه Oــش قرآن، ممكن نخ.فف المشـ,ـاهد، أو نقدمها زي ما هي أو تتح..ـــذف، في النهاية في حوار وجدل حتى نصل لأحسن الحلول. كشفت الفنانة المصرية رانيا يوسف، حقيقة زواجها للمرة الرابعة، مؤكدة أنها لن تكرر تج.ربة الزواج مرة أخرى.”
وقالت خلال لقائها في برنـLمج “عرب و@ود، والم@ذاع عبر فضائية “روتانا سينما”: “لا |فـ، ،ـكر في الموضوع وانتهى من ⊂ـــيـ|تي تمامًا، التجارب حولنا غير مث.مرة، ونسبة الطـــلاق وصلت لـ90 في المئة”. وعن إث..ـ.ــارت.ها الدائمة للج..ـــدل، دافعت عن نفسها قائلة: “الجـ…دل لطيف أن يتحدث الجمهور عنك، لكن انـL لا أفعل أي شيء الناس تركز في ⊂ـــيـ|تي وتصرفاتي”.
وأضافت: “أنا أعمل في هدوء وحياتي هادئة حتى أنني لا أتواجد كثيراً في المناسبات الاجتماعية، لكن الأمر جيد بالنسبة لي أن يركز الجمهور معي”. وكش.فت رانيا يوسف كيفية تمض.يتها للوقت بالقول: “طوال الوقت أعمل وأربي بناتي.
وإذا وجدت وقت فــ ـراغ |لـcـب رياضة، وليس لدي نظام غذائي محدد لكن بعد الساعة الثامنة لا أتناول أي طعام”.
Life insurance is an important financial product that can provide financial protection and security for loved ones in the event of an unexpected death. Life insurance policies pay out a lump sum of money to the policyholder’s beneficiaries upon their death, which can be used to cover various expenses, such as funeral costs, mortgage payments, and living expenses.
While life insurance is often associated with younger people who have dependents to support, it’s also important for seniors who may have financial liabilities that need to be insured. Just because senior citizens in general no longer work, it does not mean that they do not have financial obligations. Over 60 life insurance is a popular type of life insurance in both the UK and the USA that provides much-needed cover to the elder generation.
One of the main benefits of life insurance is that it can help to ease the financial burden on loved ones in the event of the insured’s death. For example, if someone with a mortgage passes away, their family may be left with the responsibility of paying off the remaining balance on the mortgage. This can be a significant financial burden, especially if the surviving family members do not have the means to cover these payments. Life insurance can provide the funds needed to pay off the mortgage, allowing the family to stay in their home without worrying about making monthly mortgage payments.
Another reason why life insurance can be beneficial for seniors is that it can help to cover the costs of funeral expenses. Funerals can be very expensive, and some seniors may not have the financial means to pay for these costs themselves. Life insurance can provide the funds needed to cover funeral expenses, ensuring that loved ones are not left with a significant financial burden during an already difficult time.
Loss of income is another potential concern for seniors who may not have any form of pension income or who may still work part-time to support themselves or their partner. Life insurance can provide a replacement for lost income in the event of the insured’s death, which can help to ease the financial burden on surviving family members.
Inheritance is another potential concern for seniors who do not have anything saved to pass on to family members. Life insurance can provide a sum of money to be passed on when the insured dies. This can be especially important if the family still depends on the deceased in some way financially or if the funds are needed to cover funeral costs.
Care costs are another potential concern for seniors who may be full-time carers for their partners. Life insurance can provide funds to pay for the partner to receive much-needed care in the absence of the career.
It’s important to note that the cost of life insurance generally increases as you get older, due to the increased risk of death. However, the cost is often worth it to provide financial security for loved ones in the event of the insured’s death. Some people may be hesitant to take out life insurance because they are concerned about the cost or because they think that they do not need it. However, it’s important to consider the potential financial burden that your loved ones may face in the event of your death.
There are several different types of life insurance policies available, including term life insurance and whole life insurance. Term life insurance provides coverage for a specified period of time, such as 10 or 20 years, and is typically less expensive than whole life insurance. Whole life insurance provides coverage for the insured’s entire life and often includes a savings component that accumulates cash value over time.
As you age, the risks of illness, disability, and death increase. As a result, obtaining life insurance coverage becomes even more important. Life insurance for seniors over 60 is a popular type of policy in both the United States and the United Kingdom that provides much-needed financial security for seniors.
While the cost of life insurance for seniors is higher than for younger people, the protection it provides can be priceless. Life insurance can cover a wide range of financial liabilities that seniors may face. Here are some examples of what seniors over 60 may have to pay for:
1. Mortgage: It is not uncommon for seniors over 60 to still have a mortgage. While some people may have paid off their mortgages by this age, others may have extended their mortgage term or taken out a second mortgage to make ends meet. In the event of their death, the outstanding mortgage balance would become a burden for their surviving family members. Life insurance can help cover this liability.
2. Funeral costs: The cost of funerals can be expensive, and many seniors on fixed incomes may not have the resources to pay for them. Even if a senior has some savings, these may not be enough to cover the full cost of the funeral. Life insurance can provide a much-needed safety net for seniors and their loved ones.
3. Loss of income: Even if a senior is retired, they may still have sources of income such as rental properties, investments, or a part-time job. In the event of their death, this income stream would stop, and their surviving spouse or dependents may be left without a source of income. Life insurance can help replace this income and provide financial stability to the family.
4. Inheritance: Some seniors may wish to leave an inheritance to their loved ones. However, if they do not have any savings or assets to pass on, they can use life insurance to provide a lump sum payment to their beneficiaries upon their death.
5. Care costs: Some seniors may be full-time caregivers for their partners. In the event of their death, their partner may require long-term care that can be expensive. Life insurance can help cover these costs and ensure that their partner receives the care they need.
When seniors apply for life insurance, they may face some restrictions due to their age or health conditions. These restrictions can include a lower amount of coverage or certain exclusions that apply to the policy. While these restrictions may limit the amount of the death benefit, having any coverage is better than having none at all.
One negative aspect of life insurance for seniors over 60 is the high premiums and low benefit amounts. Some seniors may find that the premiums they pay for the policy over time may exceed the death benefit that their beneficiaries will receive. This is particularly true for seniors who purchase a policy later in life when the cost of coverage is highest.
For example, a senior who purchases a policy at age 70 with a $50,000 death benefit may pay $500 per month for the policy. If the senior passes away five years later, the total premiums paid would be $30,000. Since the death benefit is only $50,000, the policyholder’s beneficiaries would receive only $20,000 after deducting the total premiums paid.