الفنانة نجلاء فتحي من مواليد 21 ديسمبر 1951، كما أنها تعد أحد أيقونات السينما المصرية والعربية، ومن أكثر الوجوه الجذابة فى السينما المصرية.
ولدت الفنانة نجلاء فتحي في مدينة الفيوم المصرية، اسمها الحقيقي فاطمة الزهراء حسين فتحي، تميزت نجلاء بملامحها الملائكية خلال مسيرتها بالفن، حيث خطفت انتباه المنتج عدلي المولد والفنان عبد الحليم حافظ، بالصدفة في عمر 15 عاما، بعد أن رآها في الإسكندرية، وعرض عليها العمل للمرة الأولى بالسينما، وكان “نجلاء فتحي” اسم الشهرة الذي اختاره لها الفنان عبد الحليم حافظ.
أولى مشاركاتها كممثلة كانت في فيلم الأصدقاء الثلاثة عام 1966، الذي جسدت فيه دورًا صغيرًا، ثم غامر المنتج رمسيس نجيب باختيارها لأول بطولة مطلقة وكان عمرها 17 عامًا فقط، من خلال فيلم أفراح.
بعد نجاح فيلم أفراح، توالت أعمالها الفنية، فشاركت في أفلام: روعة الحب، نص ساعة جواز، غرام تلميذة، صراع المحترفين، أسرار البنات، ابن الشيطان، نهاية الشياطين، حياتي، حرامي الورقة، أوهام الحب، امرأة زوجي.
فعلى الرغم من ملامحها الملائكية إلا أنها أبدعت فى عدد من الأدوار الصعبة البعيدة عن الرومانسية مثل دورها في فيلم المرأة الحديدية، وتوهجت نجلاء فتحي في فترة السبعينات وشاركت في تقديم العديد من الأعمال الفنية مع كبار النجوم، منهم الفنان محمود ياسين، حيث قدما معًا أكثر من 20 فيلما عبر الشاشة الذهبية، وكانا ثنائيا رومانسيا ناجحا على الشاشة.
تحدثت نجلاء فتحي في لقاء تلفزيوني سابق، أنها امرأة حديدية تثق في قدراتها وتخاف من الخطأ، مؤكدة أنها عندما عملت في التمثيل كانت ترغب في الشهرة، إلا أنها بمرور الوقت أدركت أنها صاحبة رسالة، معلقة حسيت أن التمثيل حاجة كبيرة ومبدعة.
وأكدت نجلاء فتحي، أنها اضطرت أن تتوقف قليلًا في منتصف السبعينيات بسبب إسفاف الأفلام قائلة: قررت أبعد عن الفن لحد التيار ده ما ينتهي.
زيجات نجلاء فتحي
تزوجت الفنانة نجلاء فتحي 4 مرات، الزواج الأول كان سريًا وكانت في عمر الثامنة عشر، حيث جمعتها قصة حب بالمهندس أحمد عبد القدوس نجل الأديب إحسان عبد القدوس.
كان أحمد ما يزال طالبًا في كلية الهندسة ورفضت عائلته تزويجه في هذا السن، فعرض على فتحي الزواج بشكلٍ سري ووافقت، استمر زواجهما مدة عامٍ فقط وانتهي بالطلاق.
الزواج الثاني كان من المهندس سيف أبو النجا عام 1973، صديق شقيقها الأكبر، نشأت بينهما علاقة حب بعد أن أظهر اهتمامه بأعمالها الفنية وشعرت بأنه لن يقف عائقًا أمام طموحها، تزوجا وأثمر الزواج عن ابنتها الوحيدة ياسمين، لكنه انتهى بالطلاق أيضًا.
في بداية الثمانينيات، تزوجت نجلاء فتحي من أمير سعودي، عاشت معه ما بين القاهرة وباريس، واشترط أن تقدم عملًا فنيًا واحدًا كل عام، وانتهى الزواج بعد 3 سنوات ونصف.
الزواج الرابع كان عام 1992 من الصحفي والإعلامي حمدي قنديل، الذي كان حب حياتها وعاشت معه علاقة مستقرة حتى رحيله عام 2018، بداية تعارفهما كانت من خلال حوارٍ صحفي وكانت هي من عرضت الزواج عليه.
What Is Travel Insurance
Travel insurance is a type of insurance that covers unexpected expenses that may arise while traveling domestically or abroad. It can provide coverage for a wide range of situations, including trip cancellations, medical emergencies, lost or stolen luggage, flight delays, and more.
Travel insurance typically comes in a variety of plans and coverage options, depending on the needs of the traveler. Some plans may only cover basic medical expenses, while others may include coverage for emergency evacuation, trip interruption, or pre-existing medical conditions.
Travel insurance can be purchased for a single trip or for multiple trips over a set period of time. It is important to read the terms and conditions of a travel insurance policy carefully before purchasing to ensure that it provides the necessary coverage for your specific travel needs.
Who Needs for Travel Insurance
There are several reasons why you might want to consider purchasing travel insurance before embarking on a trip. Here are a few:
- Medical Emergencies: Travel insurance can provide coverage for unexpected medical emergencies that may occur while you are traveling, such as illness or injury. This can help to protect you from the high cost of medical treatment, hospitalization, or emergency evacuation.
- Trip Cancellation or Interruption: Travel insurance can provide coverage if you need to cancel or cut short your trip due to unexpected events, such as illness, injury, or death of a family member. This can help to protect you from financial loss, including non-refundable expenses such as flights, hotels, and tours.
- Lost or Stolen Luggage: Travel insurance can provide coverage for lost or stolen luggage or personal belongings, helping to reimburse you for the cost of replacing essential items.
- Flight Delays or Cancellations: Travel insurance can provide coverage for flight delays or cancellations, helping to reimburse you for additional expenses such as food, lodging, and transportation.
- Emergency Evacuation: Travel insurance can provide coverage for emergency evacuation in the event of a natural disaster or political unrest, ensuring that you are able to get out of harm’s way quickly and safely.
Overall, travel insurance can provide peace of mind and financial protection while you are traveling, allowing you to enjoy your trip with greater confidence and security.
How does it work with travel insurance?
The exact workings of travel insurance depend on the specific policy and coverage you choose. However, here are the general steps for how travel insurance works:
- Purchase a Policy: Before your trip, you will need to purchase a travel insurance policy that provides coverage for the specific risks you may encounter during your trip.
- Understand the Coverage: It is important to carefully review the policy document to understand what is covered and what is not. Different policies may have different exclusions, limitations, and deductibles, so make sure you understand the details of your coverage.
- Make a Claim: If something happens during your trip that is covered by your travel insurance policy, you will need to file a claim with the insurance company. This typically involves providing documentation of the incident, such as medical bills, police reports, or receipts for expenses incurred.
- Approval and Payment: The insurance company will review your claim and determine whether it is covered under your policy. If it is approved, they will provide payment for the covered expenses, up to the limits of your policy.
It is important to note that travel insurance is not a replacement for common sense or responsible travel planning. For example, if you miss your flight because you overslept, travel insurance will not cover the cost of a new flight. It is always best to take reasonable precautions to minimize risks and avoid potential problems while traveling.
What’s the difference between trip and travel insurance?
The terms “trip insurance” and “travel insurance” are often used interchangeably, but there can be some differences between the two.
Trip Insurance: Trip insurance is a type of insurance that provides coverage for a specific trip or vacation. It typically covers things like trip cancellation, trip interruption, medical expenses, emergency medical evacuation, and lost or stolen baggage. Trip insurance is usually purchased before the start of the trip and provides coverage for the duration of the trip.
Travel Insurance: Travel insurance, on the other hand, is a broader type of insurance that can provide coverage for multiple trips over a set period of time, such as a year. Travel insurance can cover the same things as trip insurance, but it also often includes additional coverage options such as trip delay, missed connection, and rental car damage.
In summary, trip insurance is focused on providing coverage for a specific trip, while travel insurance provides more comprehensive coverage that can apply to multiple trips over a set period of time.
Best 10 travel insurance companies
There are many reputable travel insurance companies to choose from, but here are ten that consistently rank among the best:
- Allianz Global Assistance – Offers a variety of plans, including single trip, annual, and business travel insurance, as well as specialized plans for adventure travelers.
- World Nomads – Specializes in travel insurance for backpackers, adventure travelers, and digital nomads.
- AXA Assistance USA – Offers a variety of travel insurance plans, including single trip, annual, and business travel insurance.
- Travelex Insurance Services – Provides comprehensive travel insurance plans with a focus on medical coverage.
- Seven Corners – Offers a range of travel insurance plans, including short-term travel, long-term international travel, and group travel.
- InsureMyTrip – Offers a platform for comparing and purchasing travel insurance plans from multiple providers.
- Travel Guard – Provides travel insurance plans with a focus on trip cancellation, trip interruption, and emergency medical coverage.
- RoamRight – Offers a variety of travel insurance plans, including single trip, annual, and business travel insurance.
- CSA Travel Protection – Provides a range of travel insurance plans with a focus on trip cancellation, trip interruption, and emergency medical coverage.
- IMG Global – Specializes in international travel insurance with a focus on medical coverage, including emergency medical evacuation and repatriation.
It is important to do your own research and compare plans from multiple providers to find the best travel insurance for your specific needs.